Human rights treaty bodies

Human rights treaty bodies

The human rights treaty bodies are Committees composed of independent experts elected by state parties to each of the core international human rights treaties of the UN. Treaty bodies are entrusted with monitoring the implementation of respective treaty by each state party. In doing so, the Committees conduct interactive dialogues with states based on periodic reports submitted and provide states with recommendations for further improving the implementation of the relevant treaties. Currently, the Republic of Azerbaijan is party to 9 core international human rights instruments of the UN and closely cooperates with the following human rights treaty bodies:

  1. Human Rights Committee(CCPR)

The 4th periodic report of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was reviewed and relevant recommendations were provided during the 118th session of the UN Human Rights Committee held on 20-21 October 2016 in Geneva.  The Republic of Azerbaijan has decided to opt for simplified reporting procedure with regard to its 5th periodic report and will submit the report under the simplified reporting procedure.

  1. Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR)

The 3rd periodic report of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was reviewed and relevant recommendations were provided during the 50th session of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights held on 3 May 2013 in Geneva. The Republic of Azerbaijan submitted its 4th periodic report on 27 December 2018 to the Secretariat of the Committee.

  1. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)

The combined 7th, 8th and 9th periodic reports of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination was reviewed and relevant recommendations were provided during the 89th session of the UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination held on 3-4 May 2016 in Geneva. The Republic of Azerbaijan submitted its combined 10th, 11thand 12thperiodic reports on 18 July 2019 to the Secretariat of the Committee.

  1. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

The 5th periodic report of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was reviewed and relevant recommendations were provided during the 60th session of the UN Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women held on 18 February 2015 in Geneva. The Republic of Azerbaijan submitted its 6thperiodic report on 4 June 2019 to the Secretariat of the Committee.

  1. Committee against Torture (CAT)

The 4th periodic report of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment was reviewed and the relevant recommendations were provided during the 56th session of the UN Committee against Torture held on 11-12 November 2015 in Geneva. The Republic of Azerbaijan has decided to opt for simplified reporting procedure and submitted its 5thperiodic report under the simplified reporting procedure to the Secretariat of the Committee on 8 January 2020.

  1. The Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (SPT)

The members of the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture visited the Republic of Azerbaijan on 16-24 April 2015 and positively noted the unhindered access to places of deprivation of liberty ensured by the authorities. They called for more efforts to be made by the relevant authorities towards the protection of rights of persons deprived of liberty.

  1. Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

The combined 3rd and 4th periodic reports of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was reviewed and the relevant recommendations were provided during the 59th session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child held on 3 February 2012 in Geneva. The Republic of Azerbaijan submitted its 5th and 6th periodic reports on 24 December 2018 to the Secretariat of Committee. 

  1. Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW)

The 2nd periodic report of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families was reviewed and relevant recommendations were provided during the 18th session of the UN Committee on Migrant Workers held on 17-18 April 2013 in Geneva. The Republic of Azerbaijan has decided to opt for simplified reporting procedure and submitted its 3rd periodic report under the simplified reporting procedure to the Secretariat of the Committee on 30 January 2020.

  1. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

The 1st periodic report of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was reviewed and relevant recommendations were provided during the 11th session of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held on 1-2 April 2014 in Geneva. The Republic of Azerbaijan has decided to opt for simplified reporting procedure and submitted its combined 2nd and 3rd periodic reports under the simplified reporting procedure the Secretariat of the Committee on 16 December 2019.

                                                                                                                         Updated: 16.04.2020


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