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Press release 29 May 2015

An official reception dedicated to the “28 May – Republic Day” of Azerbaijan was organized in Geneva

An official reception dedicated to the “28 May – Republic Day” of Azerbaijan was organized in Geneva by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United Nations Office and other international organizations at Geneva.

The event was attended by Director-General of UN Office at Geneva Mr. M.Moller, President of the UN Human Rights Council Mr. J.Rücker, Director of UNEP Regional Office for Europe Mr. J.Dusik, other high-level representatives of different international organizations in Geneva, heads and members of staff of the permanent missions accredited to the UN Office in Geneva, officials of Canton of Geneva, academic staff of the universities in Geneva, heads of health institutions, as well as Azerbaijani students and diaspora members attended the event.

During the reception, the exhibition of the materials reflecting the history, culture, art and tourism potential of our country have been demonstrated, some examples of our national music were played. The Ambassador, Permanent Representative H.E. Mr. Murad Najafbayli informed the participants about the history, culture and statehood traditions of Azerbaijan.  Further, the books, publications, booklets and souvenirs about the history, culture and art, as well as the tourism potential of the country were presented to the guests.

Furthermore, the presentation of the 1st European Games to be held on 12-28 June 2015 in Baku was made in the reception. The Ambassador, Permanent Representative H.E. Mr. M. Najafbayli informed the guests about the European Games and in this regard, the video and photo materials have been displayed.

In the reception, the guests highly appreciated the rapid development of Azerbaijan in the recent years, and the hosting of the high-level international events such as upcoming 1st European Games was noted as a clear example of this development.

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