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Press release 11 June 2012

Vice-President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva held meetings in offices of International Organizations in Geneva

Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, initiator of the International Dialogue for Environmental Action (IDEA) global campaign Mrs Leyla Aliyeva visited Geneva, June 11. During the visit, she held meetings at the Geneva Branch of the United Nations, the Geneva Office of UNICEF and UNEP Regional Office for Europe.

In Geneva UN Office Mrs Leyla Aliyeva met with Deputy Secretary-General of UN, Director General of the UN Office in Geneva Kasim-Jomart Tokayev. Mrs Leyla Aliyeva briefed Tokayev on achievements of Azerbaijan in recent years. In turn, Tokayev recalled his visit to Azerbaijan and emphasized the country's impressive achievements and activities of the Azerbaijan in the UN. The sides exchanged views on various projects implemented by the UN Geneva Office, especially in the area of environmental protection.

Then Mrs Leyla Aliyeva toured the Office of the United Nations in Geneva. In particular, she visited the courtroom of the UN Conference on Disarmament (Tokayev is also the Secretary General of the UN Conference on Disarmament), "Room of Azerbaijan," decorated with the national carpets, paintings and works of Azerbaijani artists, familiarized herself with Raphael Abbasov’s "Baku" artwork, which is a gift from President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Afterwards, Mrs Leyla Aliyeva visited the meeting room of the UN Council on Human Rights, the League of Nations Museum and Library of the Geneva Office of the United Nations. In the archives of the League of Nations, the Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation got acquainted with a map of the People’s Republic of Azerbaijan (PRA) dated 1920. The staff of the Museum and Library showed Mrs Leyla Aliyeva a draft document on the adoption of PRA to the League of Nations, which was held in late 1920. The archive also contains other materials reflecting the history of relations between PRA and the League of Nations.

Then Mrs Leyla Aliyeva visited the Geneva Office of UNICEF, where she met with UNICEF Deputy Regional Director Kirsi Madi. The UNICEF official recalled her visit to Azerbaijan last year and spoke about UNICEF projects in Yardimli, Azerbaijan, noting the rapid development of Baku and Azerbaijan. Kirsi Madi mentioned Eurovision Song Contest in the Azerbaijani capital ended with a huge success. Madi praised the level of cooperation of the Geneva UNICEF Office with Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

In turn, Mrs Leyla Aliyeva spoke about the activity of the Foundation, particularly its active role in the involvement of youth in society. She said that the Foundation pays great attention to working with disabled children. In conclusion, Mrs Leyla Aliyeva presented Kirsi Madi gifts on behalf of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and IDEA.

Then, in the Regional Office of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in Geneva, initiator of the International Dialogue for Environmental Action (IDEA) global campaign Mrs Leyla Aliyeva met with Jan Dusk, Deputy Director and Officer-in-Charge, UNEP Regional Office for Europe. During the meeting, Mrs Leyla Aliyeva and Jan Dusk discussed the environmental aspects of the Caspian Sea, in particular, issues of reproduction of sturgeon, raising awareness of local fishermen about the breeding of this rare species of fish in artificial conditions, the relevance of the “green economy” and "green economy" project being implemented in Azerbaijan. This project is a first in Europe pilot program, which is implemented by UNEP in partnership with Azerbaijan’s National Academy of Sciences and national Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources. The sides also discussed issues of protection of health and environment, enlightenment of the youth on environment. The two sides said it is important to hold a joint conference of IDEA and UNEP in Geneva, which will embrace some of these aspects.

Mrs Leyla Aliyeva spoke about Heydar Aliyev Foundation's activities in the field of environment, in particular joint project of IDEA and National Geographic photographer Reza Degati for the international children's contest on the theme of ecology. The programme called "Big Five" deserves special attention, Leyla Aliyeva said. The programme is aimed at the protection of the five endangered species of fauna of the Caucasus - bear, wolf, gazelle, eagle and leopard. A part of the programme is to breed and release gazelles into the wild nature. Mrs Leyla Aliyeva said two weeks ago, IDEA has invited artists from more than 20 countries to take part in the competition of sculptures on the theme of the gazelle. Thus, according to Leyla Aliyeva, the people will be aware of this beautiful threatened animal. In addition, IDEA plans to promote planting of 300,000 seedlings, L.Aliyeva said. Mrs Leyla Aliyeva also emphasized that the branch offices of IDEA are opened in Russia (Moscow), Moldova, Georgia and Lithuania. The initiator of IDEA mentioned earlier in May the first in the South Caucasus Resource Eco Center for students was opened at the Public Administration Academy under the President of Azerbaijan.

In turn, Jan Dusk told about projects implemented by UNEP, related to water and mountains. According to him, currently the Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention operates in Vienna. This organization, he said, intends to distribute their projects in the Caucasian Mountains. The UNEP official offered help to the Resource Eco Center opened in Baku with a learning programme.

In conclusion, Mrs Leyla Aliyeva presented Jan Dusk gifts on behalf of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the IDEA.

Thus, Mrs Leyla Aliyeva’s Geneva visit ended.

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