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Press release 13 December 2013

The War Report 2012 launched in Geneva confirms the fact of occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan by Armenia

The Permanent Mission attended the launch ceremony of the War Report 2012 in December of 2013 at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies located in Geneva that the Permanent Mission cooperates with.

The launch ceremony was attended by the Permanent Missions accredited at the UN Office at Geneva (USA, Russia, Croatia, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Afghanistan, Guatemala and others), international organizations (Office of UN High Comissioner for Human Rights, International Committee of Red Cross, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and others), the representatives of the academic circles and the students from the Graduate Institute.

The War Report 2012 was launched by the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights – a joint centre of the Graduate Institute and University of Geneva – and was published by Oxford University Press for the first time this year.  The report provides extensive information with regard to 37 armed conflicts that either took place or continued in the territory of 24 states in the year of 2012. The intention of the War Report is to serve as a source of reference and information with regard to the conflicts around the globe for states, UN and its specialized agencies, international non-governmental organizations and academic circles. It is planned to issue the report on a regular basis together with the relevant updated information.

The fact of the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan by the forces of Armenia and the continued military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan was unequivocally confirmed and only Azerbaijan and Armenia being parties to the conflict was emphasized in the report.  The occupation of more than one-seventh of the territory of Azerbaijan and the obligations of Armenia as an occupying power were mentioned at the pages 29-33 pages of the report devoted the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. That part of the report is entitled “Military occupation of Azerbaijan by Armenia”.

The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights aims to conduct and promote scientific research, organise training courses and expert meetings and provide legal expertise in the branches of international law relating to situations of armed conflicts. Geneva Academy was founded jointly in 2007 by the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. The University of Lausanne, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs also contribute to achieving the objectives of the Academy.

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